Wednesday, December 26, 2018


The president has shut down the United States during the holidays because he didn’t like being criticized by Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter.

How utterly ridiculous that is!

Do you need any more proof that Trump is a moron?

The president spends more time watching tv news reports about himself then meeting with advisers, experts, staff and legislators, educating himself on the issues, or actually working.

How utterly ridiculous that is!

Do you need any more proof that Trump is a moron?

The president does not make foreign policy decisions based on serious thought or ideology after consulting with advisers, experts and our allies. Trump makes foreign policy decisions unilaterally to dominate the headlines and put damaging news about him “below the fold”.

How utterly ridiculous that is!

Do you need any more proof that Trump is a moron?

The president responds to anyone who challenges, criticizes or questions him not with serious discussion or debate, but him by calling them fat, ugly, stupid, weak, low energy, hormonal, liar, idiot, crooked, etc., etc., etc.

How utterly ridiculous that is!

Do you need any more proof that Trump is a moron?

The president respects, actually idolizes and envies, and courts dictators and authoritarian leaders, and attacks and alienates the democratic leaders of our allies.

How utterly ridiculous that is!

Do you need any more proof that Trump is a moron?

Do I really need to go on?  I think we can all agree – Trump is a moron! 

The President of the United States should NEVER be a moron. Trump must go!

Tuesday, December 18, 2018


The current President of the Unites States is a dangerous, deplorable, despicable, incompetent, ignorant, totally self-absorbed malignant narcissist whose sole motivation in everything is feeding his ego and lining his pockets, who lies to everyone about everything every day, who doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground about anything, nor any desire to learn anything, and who has no clue about the responsibilities and limitations of his office.

Prior to 2017, never in the history of the United States has anyone ever made this statement.  And, also prior to 2017, never in the history of the United States has a majority of people in America and around the world ever believed this statement to be completely or partially true.

And then there is this -

The Russian government wanted Trump in the White House, and actively and aggressively worked to influence the US Presidential election to benefit Trump’s campaign.  Without Russia's interference in the election, Trump would not be in the White House today.

Again, prior to 2017, never in the history of the United States has this statement been proven to be true about any President or Presidential election.

These are only two of the many historic firsts of the Trump Presidency.

Friday, December 14, 2018


By embracing Trump, and becoming the “Party of Trump”, the once Grand Old Party has also embraced deceit and dishonesty, cowardice and hypocrisy.  The Republican Party has abandoned American values and lost all credibility as a legitimate mainstream political party.  It is truly dead and now must be buried.

Trump has committed, consistently and unapologetically throughout his business and political life, every single “bad act” that Republicans have claimed, rightfully or wrongfully, were committed by a Democrat and that they have denounced in the past.

The Republican Party is literally saying to the American public today that only Democrats can commit, be charged with, and be punished for illegal and unethical activity.  The same activity performed by an alleged Republican is neither illegal nor unethical and should not be punished. 

The term “Republican” has officially become a synonym for the word “hypocrisy”.

America needs a new political party that accepts and represents real “conservative” political philosophy.  The Republican Party has not represented true conservatism for years.

The basic principles of American conservative political philosophy are:

• Protect & Maximize Individual Rights
• Ensure a Limited Government
• Uphold the Rule of Law
• Commitment to Federalism and the Separation of Powers
• Maintain Free & Open Markets (Economic & Social)

Everything Trump does and wants to do as President, and by virtue of embracing Trump the Republican Party now supports, is directly opposed to these principles.

A true conservative party would denounce the philosophy of the religious right, “evangelicals” and “Tea Party” that the Republican Party has erroneously also embraced.  Prior to the emergence and embrace of Trump, the biggest threat to the Republican Party was the Tea Party movement of the religious right. 

The second principle listed above says “Ensure a Limited Government”.  True conservatives believe that the government should intrude in a citizen’s personal and business life as little as possible.  The role of government should be to provide citizens with the freedom necessary to pursue their own goals; conservatism emphasizes empowerment of the individual to solve problems.  Contrary to the belief in limited government, the religious right, “evangelicals” and Tea Party supporters want the government to tell citizens how to live their lives by forcing the specific religious beliefs of fundamentalist Christianity on them.

The separation of church and state in the Constitution DEMANDS that the individual religious beliefs of a specific religion or sect NEVER be legislated.

Barry Goldwater, the former poster boy for American conservatism, said –

Religious factions will go on imposing their will on others unless the decent people connected to them recognize that religion has no place in public policy.”

And -

I am a conservative Republican, but I believe in democracy and the separation of church and state. The conservative movement is founded on the simple tenet that people have the right to live life as they please as long as they don't hurt anyone else in the process.”

A new truly Conservative Party must rise to replace the dead Republican Party – and vocally and aggressively oppose and denounce Trump and everything he, and sadly now the Republican Party, stands for!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018


Trump’s core cult of deplorable ignorant racists makes up about 30% of voters.  Sadly almost 1/3 of Americans are deplorable ignorant racists.

These people have always existed, but never acted as a united force before.  In the past they were never taken seriously and, rightfully so, never spoken directly to by any legitimate political candidate.  But they found their savior and “white knight” (emphasis on the “white”) in Trump, who embraced them as they embraced him.  Who else would cheer Trump at his rallies – and his only reason for continuing a serious campaign was to hear the roar of the crowd.  These deplorable sheep will follow and actively support Trump no matter what he does or what “sin” he commits.  He was correct when he said he could shoot someone in broad daylight on 5th Avenue and not lose their support and adoration.

Trump galvanized and empowered the deplorable ignorant racists of America into a cohesive and consistent voting bloc - a voting bloc that, unfortunately, the Republican Party now takes seriously and courts.

Because these deplorables wrongly consider themselves to be evangelical Christians, Trump, the least “Christian” of any candidate, pandered to his core cult by also pandering to the religious right, increasing his base of support.  Trump truly represents all elements of dangerous and wrong-minded political philosophy, legitimizing and empowering hate, selfishness and feelings of superiority – three elements that define Trump’s motivation and behavior, and his very life.

Trump won the Republican candidacy for President because there were too many names on the ballot in the Republican primaries.  When there are 10 or more choices, a candidate with a consistent almost 30% of the vote will always come out ahead. 

Many people, especially Republicans, had an irrational hatred for the Clinton family, and, erroneously, believed Trump to be the “lesser of two evils”.  Clinton won her party’s nomination because there were too few candidates in the Democratic primaries.  If the Democrats had run any other candidate for President Trump would not be in the White House today.

One reason “normal” Americans even considered a person like who Trump was erroneously considered to be by some as an appropriate option was a justifiable frustration with the incompetence and inaction of Congress – a result of the excessive partisan contention and divisiveness that started when Newt Gingrich first became Speaker of the House – and with “traditional” politicians. 

Putin and Russia, recognizing that as the ultimate narcissist he could be easily played, wanted Trump in the White House, and did everything they could to accomplish this end.

And finally – we must never forget that Trump did not win the election.  He lost by 3 million votes.  He was placed in office by the Electoral College.  One of the reasons the founding fathers created the Electoral College was to prevent an irresponsible demagogue from taking office.  It certainly failed in 2016.

There is no doubt that Trump was the absolute worst choice for President.  No President in our history has been as ignorant, incompetent and totally self-absorbed. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2018


Donald Trump, the current President of the United States, lies.  To everyone.  About everything.  If his lips are moving, he is lying.

Streisand sings.  DeNiro acts.  Trump lies.  It is what they do.

It is impossible to believe a word Trump says.  If Trump publicly announced that the earth was round, I would promptly join the Flat Earth Society.

Whenever Trump speaks in public, he must be accompanied by a fireman, whose job is to minimize the damage from Trump’s flaming pants.

When Trump gets caught lying, he lies about lying.  When there’s proof Trump lied about lying, he says someone else lied.

As Preet Bharara, US Attorney for the Southern District of New York from 2009 to 2017, has said - “Trump lies, surrounds himself with liars, and then lies about the liars.”

The Washington Post has reported –

In the first nine months of his presidency, Trump made 1,318 false or misleading claims, an average of five a day. But in the seven weeks leading up the midterm elections, the president made 1,419 false or misleading claims — an average of 30 a day.

Combined with the rest of his presidency, that adds up to a total of 6,420 claims through Oct. 30, the 649th day of his term in office, according to The Fact Checker’s database that analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement uttered by the president.”

Much of Trump’s lies revolve around his narcissism and delusions of grandeur.  I expect Trump actually believes the constant lies about his abilities, intelligence and accomplishments.

Trump, as President, is not the “Commander-In-Chief”, but truly the “Liar-In-Chief”.

Monday, December 3, 2018


I challenge anyone to say anything legitimately positive about Donald Trump.  It is impossible.

He is most certainly NOT accomplished, admirable, articulate, caring, charitable, clever, compassionate, competent, concerned, cooperative, courageous, courteous, curious, decent, diplomatic, educated, eloquent, empathetic, ethical, faithful, forgiving, funny, generous, good-natured, gracious, honest, honorable, humble, knowledgeable, idealistic, inquisitive, insightful, intelligent, literate, modest, moral, open minded, perceptive, rational, respectful, responsible, self-disciplined, sensitive, sincere, skilled, stable, talented, trustworthy, unselfish, or wise.

Go ahead – give it your best shot.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

R.I.P George H.W. Bush

Sadly, this is something we have truly forgotten.
This statement is the antithesis of Trump's America.

I expect President Bush's funeral will be another one 
Trump is banned from.

Saturday, November 24, 2018


Certainly not because he is an alleged Republican or an alleged conservative. He is neither. He has absolutely NO political beliefs or convictions or ANY beliefs or convictions except Trump is good and Trump is great.

Donald Trump doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground about ANYTHING, and refuses to learn anything from anyone or listen to anything by anyone that is contrary to his delusions and personal interests.

With Donald Trump everything MUST be about Donald Trump. His only interests are what is best for his ego and perception and his personal finances. He has absolutely NO interest or concern for what is best for America, the American people or the world.

Donald Trump has absolutely NO respect for anyone or anything. Absolutely NOTHING is more important to him, or has any value to him, except feeding his ego and lining his pockets.

Every single day he has been in office Donald Trump has done something inappropriate or unacceptable or un-Presidential or un-American or unethical or un-Constitutional or illegal or just plain stupid.

Donald Trump is a deplorable and despicable human being who lies every time he opens his mouth and who has never performed an unselfish, charitable or positive act in his life. He is a totally worthless piece of garbage, and a disgrace and embarrassment to the office of the President of the United States. He has totally destroyed the credibility and honor of the office domestically and in the eyes of the rest of the free world.

The above are facts that have been proven again and again.

Do you need any more reasons why this arrogant, delusional and deranged moron should be removed from office immediately?

Sunday, November 11, 2018


What does Donald Trump actually believe?

* Trump believes Trump is good and Trump is great.

* Trump believes he knows more about everything than anyone else and can do anything better than anyone else.

* Trump believes he has accomplished great and glorious things, anything positive that happens during his tenure is the direct result of his personal actions and greatness, that he is not responsible for anything negative that happens, and that all people everywhere should acknowledge this and bow down to his greatness.

* Trump believes that anything he says becomes automatically true by virtue of his saying it.

* Trump believes anyone who questions, challenges or criticizes him has no value, and therefore their opinion has no value.

* Trump believes his shit is ice cream and his farts don’t stink.

Trump believes absolutely NOTHING else!

Tuesday, November 6, 2018


Today's election is all about Trump - opposing or supporting his deplorable and despicable behavior.

Trump is ignorant.

Trump is incompetent.

Trump is delusional.

Trump lies to everyone about everything every day.

Trump has no respect for anyone or anything.

Trump has never sincerely expressed shame, remorse, sympathy, or empathy.

Trump is totally self-absorbed and self-important. His only concern is for himself.  Everything must be about him.  His sole motivation for everything he says and does, and his only true agenda, is to feed his ego and line his pockets. 

Trump has no interest in being educated on the issues facing America or the limits and responsibilities of his office.  He totally ignores the advice, recommendations and information provided by advisors, officials and experts.  He believes he knows everything about everything and can do anything better than anyone.

Trump is incapable of dealing with criticism, challenges and opposition like a mature adult.  He must demean and belittle every person who questions, challenges, criticizes, and opposes him.

Trump the businessman and business owner consistently, gleefully and unapologetically screwed his investors, shareholders, lenders, venders, contractors, employees, and customers.

The list of reasons to oppose and denounce Trump is endless.  There are absolutely no legitimate reasons to support and defend Trump.

The future of America and the world depends on voting AGAINST all Republican candidates for Congress.

If the Republicans win today America truly loses!

Monday, November 5, 2018


It is absolutely vital for the future of America and the world that Americans vote tomorrow AGAINST all Republican candidates for Congress.  No election in recent history has been more important.

A vote FOR Republicans is a vote of support and defense for the Presidency of Donald Trump.  The Republicans in Congress have irresponsibly chosen to blindly support and defend indefensible Donald Trump.  Trump is a delusional, ignorant, immature, incompetent, totally self-absorbed and self-important mentally unstable narcissist and sociopath.  His Presidency emboldens and empowers bigotry, racism, and misogyny.  Every day he is in office Trump demeans and degrades American democracy, values and credibility and the office of the President of the United States.   

A vote AGAINST Republicans is a vote for a Congress that will oppose and denounce Donald Trump, work to minimize the damage of his Presidency, and hold him accountable for his many unethical and illegal behaviors.

The list of reasons to oppose and denounce Trump is almost endless.   What is most troubling, dangerous, inappropriate, indefensible and unacceptable is the proven fact that every single thing he says, “tweets” and does is based SOLELY on his self-interests and his delusional self-importance.  His need to feed his undeservedly enormous ego and maintain his perception of perfection and infallibility is his ONLY motivating factor. What is good for America, Americans, the Republican Party, and the world NEVER enters into any of his thinking and action.

This is not about voting for Democratic candidates because Democratic and liberal politics and policies are better than traditional Republican and conservative politics and policies.  It is about defending America, Americans and the world from the most dangerous and unfit person ever to occupy the White House.

Before the 2016 Presidential election America WAS great.  But under the Presidency of Donald Trump, and the irresponsible and hypocritical blind support of the Republican controlled Congress, America is NO LONGER great.  To truly make America great again we must remove control of Congress from the Republican Party and ultimately remove Donald Trump from the White House.

Friday, November 2, 2018

President Trump has made 6,420 false or misleading claims over 649 days!

"But in the seven weeks leading up the midterm elections, the president made 1,419 false or misleading claims — an average of 30 a day."



Saturday, October 27, 2018


In its discussion of the arrest of the bombing suspect on Friday night CNN rightly cited Trump’s divisive rhetoric as a contributing factor to the bombing attempts – something Trump himself refuses to admit – but each commentator and analyst, in a purposeful attempt to seem fair, specifically emphasized “it was not Trump’s fault”.

While I can understand and appreciate CNN’s not wanting to contribute to political divisiveness and present the appearance of fairness, we must tell the truth and call a spade a shovel.  It WAS Trump’s fault!

Trump’s consistent encouragement and praise of physical and verbal attacks against his perceived enemies, and, being his enemies, therefore the enemies of the people and the state, in speeches made to his cult of ignorant followers at rallies, both during the campaign and continuing as President of the United States, sent a clear message to his “people” that this behavior is OK.  Specifically, if the President of the United States, the alleged “leader of the free world”, says this behavior is acceptable and praiseworthy then it must so.

Trump is telling his people, who wrongly believe, as he himself does, that he is infallible, and also, strangely, that he is their “champion” and “savior”, that people who question, challenge and oppose him must, by virtue of doing so, be bad, have no value, are true enemies of the people, and deserve to be attacked and punished.  And his ignorant core cult takes his message to heart.

Sadly, the bombing suspect is a true representative example of Trump’s core cult of ignorant racists – the now organized, empowered and energized by Trump block of voters that the Republican Party apparently believes it needs to pander to in order to win elections. 

The suspect had in the past threatened to throw a bomb in a conversation with a Florida utility representative regarding a personal financial matter, but did not follow through.  While he has a long history of verbally attacking politicians and support of white supremacy and radical right philosophy, beginning well before Trump’s emergence as a politician, he had never sent the perceived enemies of his cause bombs before,  He only did so now because of Trump’s encouragement and praise of attacks against his political enemies, and he specifically targeted individuals who vocally opposed and denounced Trump and were called out by name by Trump.

Trump obviously did not directly participate in the making and mailing of the bombs, nor did he specifically tell the suspect or others like him to send bombs to his enemies, but Trump’s words and tweets are directly responsible for the actions of the suspect.

If Trump was not who he is and did not say and tweet what he has said and tweeted this man would have not made and mailed these bombs.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


The encouragement and empowerment of racism and bigotry and the level of denigration and hatred of immigrants by the Trump Presidency is unprecedented in US history.  IT IS NOT OK.

Racism, bigotry and hatred of immigrants IS NOT OK.

Physically and vocally attacking and the mocking and bullying of “enemies” and those who question and oppose you IS NOT OK.

Benefiting financially on a daily basis from holding the office of and the actions taken as President IS NOT OK.

A President whose every action is motivated solely by his or her ego or financial interests, putting his or her personal interests and perception above the interests of America and the American people, IS NOT OK.
Donald Trump as President IS NOT OK.

Supporting and defending Donald Trump as President IS NOT OK.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


How the Republican Party has changed since 1956.

The following is from the official Republican Party Platform of 1956 (highlights are mine) -

While jealously guarding the free institutions and preserving the principles upon which our Republic was founded and has flourished, the purpose of the Republican Party is to establish and maintain a peaceful world and build at home a dynamic prosperity in which every citizen fairly shares.

We shall ever build anew, that our children and their children, without distinction because of race, creed or color, may know the blessings of our free land.

We believe that basic to governmental integrity are unimpeachable ethical standards and irreproachable personal conduct by all people in government. We shall continue our insistence on honesty as an indispensable requirement of public service. We shall continue to root out corruption whenever and wherever it appears.

We are proud of and shall continue our far-reaching and sound advances in matters of basic human needs—expansion of social security—broadened coverage in unemployment insurance —improved housing—and better health protection for all our people. We are determined that our government remain warmly responsive to the urgent social and economic problems of our people.

To these beliefs we commit ourselves as we present this record and declare our goals for the future.”

Today’s Republican Party emboldens racism and bigotry, attacks Social Security and health benefits, and says –

“We don’t care if much of Donald Trump’s wealth is based on unethical and illegal business practices, that he refuses to divest himself of his business interests and continues to unconstitutionally line his pockets as a result of his Presidency, that he attempts to degrade and destroy American democracy and values on a daily basis, that he is a laughing stock in the eyes of the world community, and that he lies every time he opens his mouth.  We need the votes of his core cult of deplorable ignorant racists.”   

Sadly the “Grand Old Party” is truly dead.  The Republican Party has become the Party of Trump. 

It is vital for the future of America and the world that we all vote against ALL Republican candidates for Congress in November!

Monday, October 22, 2018


One of the best descriptions of Trump, Trumpism and the Trump legacy come from the final paragraph of “The Cruelty Is The Point” by Adam Serwer in THE ATLANTIC -

Trump’s only true skill is the con, his only fundamental belief is that the United States is the birthright of straight, white, Christian men, and his only real, authentic pleasure is in cruelty. It is that cruelty, and the delight it brings them, that binds his most ardent supporters to him, in shared scorn for those they hate and fear: immigrants, black voters, feminists, and treasonous white men who empathize with any of those who would steal their birthright. The president’s ability to execute that cruelty through word and deed makes them euphoric. It makes them feel good, it makes them feel proud, it makes them feel happy, it makes them feel united. And as long as he makes them feel that way, they will let him get away with anything, no matter what it costs them.”

Donald T Rump’s core cult of ignorant and racist deplorables have always been on the fringes of the Republican Party, but they have never before had an alleged Republican politician personally low enough to pander directly and almost exclusively to them.

What Trump has done, and what is the most damaging and dangerous legacy of Trump, is to organize them in support and defense of his legitimacy and create an actual voting block within the Republican Party to whom, unfortunately, the Party is listening and responding.

Sunday, October 21, 2018


A person is not my enemy because he is a Republican or a conservative. Nor is a person my enemy because he is a Democrat or a liberal. Liberalism and conservatism are intelligent and legitimate political philosophies, each with value, and I will gladly discuss the differences in these philosophies and my own calmly and intelligently with others of intelligence.

The two political philosophies, like individual citizens, approach the issues and situations with different perspectives, experiences, assumptions and priorities. The true, and workable, solutions to ALL problems and issues is NEVER always ONLY strict conservative solutions or ONLY strict liberal solutions.

I personally am more conservative in some issues and more liberal in others.

True conservatives and true liberals both want the same thing – a safe, secure and prosperous nation with equal treatment and opportunities for all.

Donald T Rump IS my enemy and the enemy of the people and the state NOT because of political philosophy, but because of who and what he is as a human being. And those who openly support and defend his unethical, inappropriate, illegal, ignorant, incompetent, and unacceptable behaviors are also my enemies and the enemies of the people and the state.

I call for a vote against ALL Republican candidates for Congress this November not because I am a liberal or a Democrat, or because I oppose conservative philosophy and policies, or because I believe Democrats are better than true Republicans – but because I oppose and denounce Donald T Rump the man and, as a patriot, see the vital need to hold him in check until he can be removed from the White House.

Saturday, October 20, 2018


Why is Donald Trump the most unfit, inappropriate and unacceptable choice for President in the history of the United States?  Let me count the ways.

(1) Trump is a delusional, ignorant, immature, incompetent, totally self-absorbed and self-important mentally unstable narcissist and sociopath.

(2) Trump the human being is deplorable and despicable, totally devoid of ethics, morality, integrity, and humanity.  Trump has never performed a totally unselfish positive act in his lifetime.

(3) Trump doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground about anything, and shows no interest in becoming more informed and educated on important issues.

(4) Trump lies about everything to everyone all the time.  He has not made a completely truthful statement since becoming a candidate.

(5) Trump is pathologically incapable of making a public statement or address without beginning with how great he is via obviously and easily proven false statements about his accomplishments and abilities.

(6) Trump is also pathologically incapable of dealing with challenges, criticism or questions like a mature adult.  He must insult and belittle anyone who criticizes, challenges, disagrees with, or questions him.  In his sick and delusional mind, he is infallible.  People who do not recognize and acknowledge this delusion have no value, and so their opinion has no value.

(7) Trump never thinks before he speaks or “tweets” – often spewing whatever nonsense comes into his head in the wee hours of the morning.  He has absolutely no concern for how his words and tweets affect America.

(8) Trump always claims personal credit for positive results that he had absolutely nothing to do with, and never accepts any responsibility for bad results that he has directly caused, always blaming someone, anyone, else.

(9) Trump thinks those who support and promote the #MeToo movement, and women who now feel empowered to stand up and talk about their experiences, are “very evil people” but Nazis and white supremacists are “very fine people”.

(10) Trump attacks, insults and alienates America’s allies while embracing the authoritative and dictatorial leaders of America’s enemies like Putin, Un and others.  This is because he wants to be an authoritative and dictatorial leader like Putin and Un.

(11) Trump the businessman consistently and gleefully screwed his investors, shareholders, contractors, vendors, employees, clients and customers while lining his pockets.  Still just about every one of his businesses that did not directly involve real estate development have failed.

(12) Trump has not divested himself of his business holdings and unethically, and to some degree unconstitutionally, profits financially by being President, frequently at the expense of the American people (his weekly golf outings at the resorts he owns).

Do I need to go on?  The list is endless.