Wednesday, December 26, 2018


The president has shut down the United States during the holidays because he didn’t like being criticized by Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter.

How utterly ridiculous that is!

Do you need any more proof that Trump is a moron?

The president spends more time watching tv news reports about himself then meeting with advisers, experts, staff and legislators, educating himself on the issues, or actually working.

How utterly ridiculous that is!

Do you need any more proof that Trump is a moron?

The president does not make foreign policy decisions based on serious thought or ideology after consulting with advisers, experts and our allies. Trump makes foreign policy decisions unilaterally to dominate the headlines and put damaging news about him “below the fold”.

How utterly ridiculous that is!

Do you need any more proof that Trump is a moron?

The president responds to anyone who challenges, criticizes or questions him not with serious discussion or debate, but him by calling them fat, ugly, stupid, weak, low energy, hormonal, liar, idiot, crooked, etc., etc., etc.

How utterly ridiculous that is!

Do you need any more proof that Trump is a moron?

The president respects, actually idolizes and envies, and courts dictators and authoritarian leaders, and attacks and alienates the democratic leaders of our allies.

How utterly ridiculous that is!

Do you need any more proof that Trump is a moron?

Do I really need to go on?  I think we can all agree – Trump is a moron! 

The President of the United States should NEVER be a moron. Trump must go!

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