Saturday, July 13, 2019


Donald T Rump is many things - but he is NOT a conservative.  And by embracing Trump and "Trumpism" the Republican Party has totally abandoned Conservative philosophy.

The basic principles of American conservative political philosophy, and please correct me if I am wrong, are:

·         Protect & Maximize Individual Rights
·         Ensure a Limited Government
·         Uphold the Rule of Law
·         Commitment to Federalism and the Separation of Powers
·         Maintain Free & Open Markets (Economic & Social)
·         Fiscal Responsibility

Everything Trump says and does is totally contrary to the above principles of conservative political philosophy.

Trump, while having no actual personal religious convictions or any actual political convictions, panders to the so-called “evangelicals” of the “religious right” and publicly supports their agenda.  The political philosophy of the religious right is contrary to true conservatism.  Conservatives hold high the rights of the individual citizen and want minimal involvement by the government in the personal and business life of the citizen.  The religious right wants the government to tell citizens how to live their lives by legislating their specific religious beliefs, contrary to the separation of Church and State that is a cornerstone of the Constitution.

Trump has proven time and again that he has absolutely no regard for the rule of law.  And he opposes and does everything he can to circumvent the separation of powers in the Constitution.  He bypasses Congress by attempting to use Executive Orders to legislate and purposefully delays filling vacant permanent cabinet and other government agency positions to avoid proper vetting and confirmation by Congress.  He verbally abuses and berates federal judges who do not do exactly what he wants them to do.  Trump wants to be a dictator like Putin and Kim and wants the Executive Branch to be the dominant branch, superior to the Judicial and Legislative branches.

Investopedia tells us “Open markets go hand in hand with free trade policies, which are designed to eliminate discrimination against imports and exports. Buyers and sellers from different economies may voluntarily trade without a government applying tariffs, quotas, subsidies, or prohibitions on goods and services, which are considerable barriers to entry in international trade.”

Trump also has no regard for fiscal responsibility.  He wants what he wants no matter the cost to the federal budget and how it increases the deficit.  And as President he flagrantly wastes government funds on his weekly golf outings at resorts he still owns, lining his pockets with taxpayer money.

Every American – Republican and Democrat, conservative and liberal – MUST vocally and aggressively oppose and denounce the Presidency of Donald T Rump and Donald T Rump the man.

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