Monday, July 8, 2019


E. Jean Carroll has accused Trump of raping her.  Trump denies it. 

As with many such situations, this is a case of “she said, he said”.  So, we have to review the character and history of “she” and “he” to see who to believe.

E. Jean Carroll is a credible journalist.  Lying is not in her character.

Lying has been proven to be a major part of Trump’s character.  He lies about everything to everyone every day.  Nothing he says should ever be believed without documented proof.

Sexual assault is also in-character for Trump.  He is on tape bragging about grabbing pussies and his belief that sexual assault is an entitlement because of his status.

As an aside - even if Trump’s taped brags to Billie Bush are just empty boasts not based in reality, the mere fact that Trump thinks such acts are acceptable and something to brag about in itself disqualifies him from being considered an acceptable choice for President, or for any office.

Trump says he never met Carroll, despite at least one picture that proves he did.  Trump said he wouldn’t have raped Carroll because she was “not his type”.  Is the implication here that he would have raped her if she was his type?

Bill Cosby was accused of sexual assault by multiple credible women and denies it.  Do you believe Bill Cosby?

Harvey Weinstein was accused of sexual assault by multiple credible women and denies it.  Do you believe Harvey Weinstein?

Trump was accused of sexual assault by multiple credible women and denies it.  Do you believe Trump?

The careers of Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein were destroyed by the accusations.  The careers of many others who have been accused of less severe, yet still unacceptable, acts of sexual misconduct have been destroyed by the accusations.  Trump continues to serve as President and is running for re-election with the affirmative approval of the Republican Party.

The rape accusation of E. Jean Carroll, and the accusations of varying degrees of sexual assault and misconduct by 20 others, must be fully investigated.  Trump must not be given a pass for his lifetime of sexual misconduct and assault just because he is Trump.  

I may be crazy, but I do think that the government should have a higher moral standard of behavior than Hollywood - or at least the same standard.

Who do I trust?  Most certainly NOT Donald T Rump.

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