Tuesday, December 4, 2018


Donald Trump, the current President of the United States, lies.  To everyone.  About everything.  If his lips are moving, he is lying.

Streisand sings.  DeNiro acts.  Trump lies.  It is what they do.

It is impossible to believe a word Trump says.  If Trump publicly announced that the earth was round, I would promptly join the Flat Earth Society.

Whenever Trump speaks in public, he must be accompanied by a fireman, whose job is to minimize the damage from Trump’s flaming pants.

When Trump gets caught lying, he lies about lying.  When there’s proof Trump lied about lying, he says someone else lied.

As Preet Bharara, US Attorney for the Southern District of New York from 2009 to 2017, has said - “Trump lies, surrounds himself with liars, and then lies about the liars.”

The Washington Post has reported –

In the first nine months of his presidency, Trump made 1,318 false or misleading claims, an average of five a day. But in the seven weeks leading up the midterm elections, the president made 1,419 false or misleading claims — an average of 30 a day.

Combined with the rest of his presidency, that adds up to a total of 6,420 claims through Oct. 30, the 649th day of his term in office, according to The Fact Checker’s database that analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement uttered by the president.”

Much of Trump’s lies revolve around his narcissism and delusions of grandeur.  I expect Trump actually believes the constant lies about his abilities, intelligence and accomplishments.

Trump, as President, is not the “Commander-In-Chief”, but truly the “Liar-In-Chief”.

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