Thursday, January 10, 2019


Trump, and Trump alone, is 100% responsible for the government shutdown – truly holding America hostage until he gets his nonsensical border wall.

But the Republican Party must share the blame for its continuance because of its accepting and embracing Trump’s wall and the lies he created to justify its need.

We must open the government immediately, forget the wall, and let Democrats and Republicans in Congress discuss, debate and properly fund legitimate methods of border security.  The Republican Party MUST “just say no” to Trump’s lies and nonsense.

There is no new or imminent threat or “national crisis” at our southern border.  Border security and immigration are ongoing issues that we have been dealing with for decades.

It is not that border wall = border security in the same way that Trump = moron.  The border wall is only one option, and a poor option that is not supported by experts or the majority of the American people.   

A wall is truly a metaphor, and one that is in opposition to basic American values.  The most famous wall in modern history was the Berlin wall, although that was more to keep people from getting out of the country than to keep immigrants from getting in.  We all remember Reagan’s famous quote, “"Mr. Gorbachev - tear down this wall."

The shutdown, solely because of a manufactured national security issue based on lies and distortions, could actually cause harm to our national security.  Let’s think logically.

1. The bulk of terrorists or potential terrorists come through airports, a proven fact that even FOX NEWS acknowledges, and not via the southern border.   U.S. Customs and Border Protection encountered only 6 immigrants on the U.S.-Mexico border whose names were in a federal database of known or suspected terrorists, not the 4,000 Trump and his paid liars have claimed.

2. Airports are protected by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and customs officials. 

3. The shutdown affects the TSA and customs officials.  

4. If the shutdown diminishes the effectiveness of airport security it has the potential for allowing more possible terrorists into the country. 

I recently posted on Twitter and Facebook that I believe I know why Trump thinks there is a national crisis at our southern border.  He must have seen the 1984 movie RED DAWN, where Russia takes over Mexico and uses it as entry to invade the US.  Trump does realize that this is just a movie – doesn’t he?

Actually, Russia didn’t need Mexico to “invade” the US.  All they needed was easily played narcissist Trump in the White House, which they wanted and got.
The bottom line – The issues of border security and immigration require intelligent thought and debate – and we all know Trump is incapable of intelligent thought.

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