Monday, December 30, 2019


Forget politics.  Forget his policies and his alleged agenda. 

There are basically three reasons why Trump is totally unfit to hold the office of President of the United States, and why every American with a brain and a conscience, regardless of party affiliation or political philosophy, must vocally and aggressively oppose and denounce Trump and support and work toward his removal from the White House, and the removal of his hypocritical Republican “enablers” from Congress.

1. Trump is totally self-absorbed.  He doesn’t care about anything or anyone but himself.  In Trump's deranged mind everything MUST be about Trump.  He is the ultimate textbook example of a malignant narcissist.  Everything he does, says and tweets is solely guided and motivated by his undeservedly enormous ego – and absolutely nothing else.  His only true agenda is to feed his ego and line his pockets.  Click here for more detailed information on his mental pathology.  

2. Trump is ignorant.  He truly doesn’t know anything about anything – certainly not about the issues facing America and the world.  He has absolutely no clue about how the government operates and the responsibilities and limitations of the office of President.  And he is not interested in learning anything about anything.  Because of his gross ignorance, and lack of desire to learn, he is also grossly incompetent. 

3. As a human being Trump is a worthless piece of garbage.  He is totally devoid of humanity, character, ethics, morals, and honor.  He has no respect for anyone or anything.  He is incapable of sympathy, empathy and shame.  He does not possess a single redeeming positive human quality or value.   

This is not just my opinion.  These are proven facts.  And every single day, with every word, deed and tweet, Trump continues to prove the above to be true.

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