Wednesday, December 4, 2019


There is no intelligent reason for anyone to support and defend Trump.  So why does the national Republican Party leadership and the Republicans in Congress continue to do something that is completely illogical?

There are several possible reasons.

The most probably is the assumption by Republicans that they truly need the votes of Trump’s core cult of ignorant racists, apparently about 30% of Americans, to win elections and remain in power.  They are afraid of offending this new voting bloc.  This means that the direction of a major political party, and the current Administration, is guided solely by ignorant racists.

There is also the thought that, like Putin and our other enemies, the Republican leadership recognizes and acknowledges that Trump is the ultimate narcissist and can be easily “played”, and have abandoned all integrity and credibility to use Trump to get what they want legislatively and politically, just as Putin uses Trump to get what he wants.    

It is very possible that Trump has blackmail on members of the Republican Party leadership and specific Republican members of Congress. 

And it is also possible that, like Trump, the leadership of the Republican Party and Republicans in Congress have absolutely no interest in or concern for America or its citizens and only care about partisan and personal self-interest.  Trump has no brain and no conscience.  Republican leadership may have a brain but no conscience.

Whatever the reason, or reasons, the Republican Party, and Republicans in Congress, have very clearly put Party above Country and above the Constitution.

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