Thursday, December 12, 2019


Let’s face it. 

Anyone who actually thinks Donald T Rump is an honest, decent and honorable human being is either dangerously naive or a moron.

Anyone who actually thinks Donald T Rump is intelligent and knows what he is doing is either dangerously naive or a moron.

Anyone who actually thinks Donald T Rump is ever motivated by anything other than his own self-interest is either dangerously naive or a moron.

Anyone who actually believes a word Donald T Rump says is either dangerously naïve or a moron.

The biggest question, and the biggest unsolved mystery, of this millennium so far is why the Republican Party and Republicans in Congress have abandoned all honor, principal, integrity, and credibility to support, defend and enable the most totally self-absorbed, the most totally delusional and mentally deranged, and the most totally worthless person to ever occupy the White House.

There are only two reasons to explain the Republican Party and the Republicans in Congress -

1) They are stupid enough to actually believe what Trump says.

2) They are truly corrupt politicians who do not care one ounce about the Constitution or their oath of office.

There can be no other explanation.

Every single day Donald T Rump continues to prove beyond any doubt that he a clear and present danger to the future of America, American democracy and the world who must be removed from office ASAP.

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